Who said humans can’t fly?
Malaika Mihambo inspires others to fly even further

Nike, 2021
Who said humans can’t fly? Who said humans can’t fly? Who said humans can’t fly?

For the first time since flying to the 7M mark at the Tokyo Olympics in 2020, German long jump and Olympic, World and European champion Malaika Mihambo was back in Berlin. Together with Nike Berlin and Pompluspanier we took the chance to celebrate how she inspires others to fly even further, with a huge sandpit  right in front of the Olympic stadium, showing her imprint at the 7M mark and the question:


“Who said you can’t fly?”

This was an invitation for the next generation to compete against their idol’s legendary jump and a photo opportunity that we used to turn them into the stars of their own Nike ad, ready for them to share with everyone on social media.

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