The Best Planet
Discover the best planet we know from a sensorial perspective


Our second integrated campaign for S7 Airlines reminds Russians about two wonderful gifts we’ve all been given – the best planet we know, and a lifetime to experience it. To communicate these gifts, each of the campaign’s creative executions shows the world from a perspective that allows viewers to truly experience and feel Earth’s beauty and mystery, transforming travelling into a valuable and meaningful journey for the senses.

Presented as a visual poem dedicated to Earth itself, the campaign’s film is a message from someone who can truly appreciate what it’s like to be away from it – Russian cosmonaut, Andrey Borisenko, who spent 164 days away from Earth on his last expedition. Andrey narrates the film, which celebrates Earth’s hidden wonders by depicting the sensorial experiences different destinations can evoke.

The sensory theme extends to the campaign’s print and out-of-home, which includes building wraps and billboards across Russia. Each execution is dedicated to a global destination S7 Airlines flies to and portrays a sensation visitors are likely to experience when travelling there – from the culinary smells of Bangkok to the bright lights of Shanghai – with headlines integrated into the imagery to further reflect this sensory immersion. In addition, listeners are transported to jungles, cities and even on a free-diving adventure, with radio spots that emphasize the sounds of each destination to create the feeling of truly being there. Digital and social activations further communicate the campaign online, and a specially created landing page on S7’s website enables Russian travelers to find their next travel destination based on their sensorial preferences.

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